Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Science Trip

Hi guys, today we want to share our experiences during our science trip.

A couple months ago, the science classes in my school went to Cibodas. It's a national park located in Puncak (mountain area between Jakarta and Bandung)
We went there by 2 bus and it took around 2-3 hours to reach the park. When we arrived, we were gathered together and divided into some smaller groups.Each group contains around 18 people. It was close to noon when we started to hike and exploring the park. The hike was quite tiring but the beauty of the nature amaze us.At first, our tour guide gave a brief explanation about the park history. It was founded more than 50 years ago during the dutch colonialism.Then he showed us the area of medicine plants, moss (lumut) plants, flowers and many others. We found out that Cibodas has one of the widest moss (lumut) plants variety in the world.He's quite friendly, he also told us some medicine for malaria, plant that can inhibit cancer and also some spices for cooking like cinnamon.We end the trip by sitting beside the waterfall and enjoying our lunch. It was great to take a short break from the ordinary school activities and just blend in with nature and take a big breath while enjoying the unique plants with our dear school mates.So if you have a free time, please visit the national park with your friends and family.
Let's get to know the nature better, it's really exciting :) 

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