Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011

First lesson: ATP

Learning outcomes: 1. Able to explain how ATP release its energy
                                2. What ATP stands for
                                3. The structures that builds up an ATP

Do you guys have in mind what ATP stands for? 
You might know what ATP stands for after I give a brief explanation of what are the structures of ATP.

ATP is an energy currency, since it acts only as the currency of energy it can't be used directly to give us energy. So how can ATP release its energy then? In ATP, it consists of 3 phosphate groups. They are binded together in a covalent bond and ester linkages. For the energy to be released, the bond between the second and third phosphate needs to be broken since there's a high energy bond between them. As the bond is broken, the cell can uses its energy! 

At the centre of ATP, ribose (its the sugar that makes up RNA). Attached to one side of this is a base called adenine. The adenine base and sugar ribose form together and we call it adenosine.

So, in conclusion, ATP is mainly made from 3 parts which is ribose, adenine (both form adenosine) and the last is 3 phosphate group. Bases on the parts that made this energy currency, we can call it by ATP which stands for adenosine triphosphate
Does it makes sense now why its called ATP? 

Lets look back at the 3 learning outcomes, based on the explanation above we have succeed to fulfill all the learning outcomes. Yay, I've learnt a lesson about ATP today :)

Let's wait for the other lesson, cheers!

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