Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

Second lesson: What are the causes of infertility?

We learned about the causes of infertility this week. For men,  it’s caused by abnormal sperm and absence of sperm. While in women, it’s caused by Ovulatory disorders, endometriosis, oviduct blockage and antisperm antibodies.

The abnormal sperm is a condition when the sperm cannot swim properly, while absence of sperm is a condition where semen contains very few sperm, It is can be caused by incomplete development of teste or infection like chlamydia. 

For women, the ovulatory disorders happen when the ovulation is rarely happens or it doesn’t happen at all. Abnormal menstruation cycle is one of the causes of this disorder.
Endometriosis is a condition where some tissues are also found in the oviducts and cause it to be blocked. Them, oviduct blockage happens when the pviducts become blocked by infections that caused the ovaries to stick to each other. Some women develop immune system response to their men’s sperm. The body response is to destroy the sperm so the sperm cannot reach the egg.
That’s why it’s important to maintain our reproductive organ’s health, for example by  avoiding pre marrige sex.

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